For Beginners: How to Use the Strap on Dildos?

As a type of sexual toy, a strap on dildo provides different types of stimulation, pleasure, and stimulation, akin to that experienced by a woman during sexual pleasure, as a result of its unique design. There is no doubt that strap on dildoss are very easy to use, but they can cause some nervousness in newcomers because it's a totally different kind of a sex toy.
The following tips and advice will help you get started with using a strap on dildo, if you want to try this sex toy and take it to the next level:
1. Choosing the right strap on dildos
Prior to using a strap on dildo for the first time, you should make sure that you are selecting a strap on dildo that is suitable for your needs. Because anal vibrators come in a variety of sizes and shapes, it is important to choose one that meets your personal needs based on the size and shape that you prefer. Choosing the right size strap on dildos is the best way to ensure you get a comfortable experience, since a smaller strap on dildo will make it easier for you to get started with an anal vibrator that will help you to feel comfortable.
2 Preparation
Before that you can start using the strap on dildos, you will need to prepare a few essential items in order to make the process easier, such as lubricant, towel, cleaning agent, and so on. The lubricant acts as a sliding agent, which means that you won't be slipping when you use it. It'll also make it easier for you to use it. The sponges can also be prepared so that you can easily clean it after you use it so that it will be easier to clean it.
3. Cleaning
The important thing to remember before using a strap on dildo is that the device must be clean and that the lubricant must be clean to ensure safety. As a rule of thumb, you should clean the strap on dildos before using it with a cleaning solution, then you should wash it with water, and finally you should dry it off so that it can be used.
4. Lubrication
In order to make the most of your strap on dildos experience, it is important to ensure the strap on dildos is lubricated so that you feel comfortable and know that you will have easier access. When you are applying the lubricant to the strap on dildos, make sure you apply the lubricant evenly to it, as this will make it much easier for the strap on dildos to work.
5. Getting In
After you have finished the basic training, you are now ready to begin using the strap on dildos. It is very important that you insert the strap on dildos slowly, a little at a time, into your anus first, before you begin using it so that it is fully inserted. You can experiment with various lovemaking positions when you first begin using your strap on dildos so that you can get the most enjoyment from it as soon as you start using it.
6. Enjoy
Once you start using a strap on dildo, you can experiment with different techniques to enhance the pleasure you will feel, such as changing the speed of the strap on dildos or experimenting with different vibration patterns that can be applied to the strap on dildos. As well as that, you can use it together with your partner in order to have more fun together since this will increase your enjoyment.
7. Cleaning
In order to keep the strap on dildos in a clean and healthy state, you will need to clean it in the right time after use. Strap on dildos can be cleaned by using detergent, washed with water and dried, and then you can put them in a safe place right after they have been cleaned.
In order to get the most out of your sexual pleasure, here are the essential tips that should help you to use a strap on dildo properly and start a brand new journey of pleasure with a strap on dildo.